Kijk hier voor de geplande vertrektijden van deze toer vanuit Ranong, Koh Chang en Koh Phayam. Ook kun je in deze link zien wat de terugkomsttijden zijn.
Day 1
Meeting at Ranong
As all our trips to Burma start from Ranong, we will meet today at 'The House of Happinez', a cozy lodge next to the Raksawarin Hot Springs in Ranong. From here we will transfger all our guests to our liveaboard MY Merit. We will depart from Thailand as soon as the Thai immigration clears our way.

Departure to Burma
While we are crossing the river on the way to Kawthaung, the border town in Burma, we will have lunch and give you a specified boat briefing for this tour, including introducing our crew, explaining about safety rules, showing you around onboard and so on.
Once we arrive at Kawthaung (which is the harbour in Myanmar) in the early afternoon, we wait for the Burmese authorites to check us in. In the meantime, you can have a little stroll on land to see what's going on in this border town. When we receive clearance, we start to sail up north into the Archipelago.
On the way we will have diner and you will have time to relax and to get to know the other people on the tour. In the meantime, we'll take care of setting up your dive equipment. Our first destination in Burma will be High Rock!
Day 2
Good morning, we're at High Rock! Enjoy here the interesting underwater macro life, including a specific sort of pipe fishes, varies types of sea horses, bearded scorpion fishes and quite many different species of nudibranchs.
For the second dive we will move on to the dive site Rocky One. This is an easy divesite, which allows us to make an easy, pleasant fun dive, while seeing the biggest anemone fields in the area around. Lots of different kinds of anemones and related fishes are home to the Rocky One area. In the neighbourhood there are many white powdered beaches which we can visit inbetween the dives and there's also a small moken village nearby, which we may give a small visit.
Dive 3 and 4 will be at the famous Shark Cave. This is a wonderful spot with a very nice colorful coral garden. There's also a fascinating canyon ending up in a cave-like swim through. Grey reef sharks, nurse sharks and marbled sting rays are often seen here. It is also one of the better spots to find harlequin shrimps and harlequin ghost pipefish. So sweet!
In the night we have an overnight cruise towards the remote dive site Black Rock. That's where we are going to dive in the next early morning!
Day 3
Here we are again, at one of the best dive sites of the Mergui Archipelago. This is the spot where you can see magnificant shows of big fish; the big rock is situated remotely out in the ocean and attracts lots of marine life. We have seen schools of manta rays here, big grey reef sharks, eagle rays and sometimes whale sharks.
The underwater terrain of Black Rock falls at some places quite dramatically down to greater depths, way further then our diving limits. But there are also sheer walls, deep plateaus and sloping reefs, and there's lots to see. We will stay all day here and make 4 dives over here!
At the end of the day we will be cruising back southwards again, this time towards the North Twin Islands.
Day 4
After the, usually fabulous day at Black Rock, you'll be happy to dive too at The North Twin islands, where we want to show you two exciting places.
The North Twin Plateau will be our first- and North Twin Pinnacle our second dive. Both places are pretty widespread- and deep areas. Here good upfront dive briefings are necessary for you to understand the dive sites. There are many boulders underwater, many of them encrusted with fairytale-like sea fans. During our dives here, we have chances to see reef sharks, eagle rays, tunas marbled sting rays, ribbon eels and much more.
For our third dive of this day, we probably move to Chi Wat, which offera us a fairly unique landscape above- and underwater. Steep walls with tunnels, be ready here to watch out for the small stuff while embracing great panaromas!
Sunset time! We'll make another dive at Orange Rock, one of our own discovered dive spots, which is situated a little ahead of Mac Leod Island. And at the final end of the day, that's where we will stay for the night: at the sheltered bay at the Mac leod Islands.
Day 5
Fan Forest Pinnacle is probably the deepest dive site within the southern area of the Mergui Archipelago. Here we are going to make our first dive of the day. We have a good chance to see big stuff at this pinnacle, which is situated in the open ocean and starting at just 5m below the surface.
After our morning dive, we head to Western Rocky, where we will stay for the rest of the day. The highlight here is the underwater tunnel, which runs completely through the island. Watch out for frog fishes and lobsters during this great and colorful dive!
Closeby a pinnacle is situated, where we will probably jump as the second dive of the day. Our last dive of the day will be a sunset- or night dive, we'll check with all guests to see which dive to like they make. Night dives are great here - lot's of colorful amazing creatures!
Day 6
Last but not least - during the last day of this cruise, we'll show you 2 different dives again. In the morning we will dive at Laguna, which offers an almost surreal dive with the chance to see sea hores, ghostpipe fishes, nudibranchs and maybe even blacktip sharks.
The last dive of the day, will be at our secret spot. Once we return from our dive, we'll enjoy lunch, while the captain start to head back to Kawthaung, the border town with Thailand, again.
Once we arrive at Kawthaung, you will have time to do some shoppings. During that time the Myanmar Immigration will prepare our passports again for checking out from the country. Once the immgration hands us back our passports, we move on to the Thai Immigration, in order to receive our visas to enter Thailand.
For this night, we recommend you to stay at the waterfall lodge, 'The House of Happinez,' at Ranong.
We hope you look back on some great days with a beautiful time onboard and underwater!